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[caption id="attachment\_556" align="alignnone" width="150" caption="pretty packets passing before your very eyes!"][![pretty packets passing before your very eyes!]( "Packet Fountain Screen Saver")]([/caption]

I found this screen saver on digg, the idea is that it captures packets off the network card and bounces them around the screen.

If you read the comments on digg, some users complain that the implementation isn't as slick as it could be; well I agree to an extent, but since I know bugger all about VB programming, and I'm not about to fork out for visual studio, I can't complain to much. In light of this I decided to play with the settings to see what results I could get; the screen shot (pic from cam' phone) is what I've managed, it doesn't look half bad; and since I like to have most things encrypted most of what you see is rubbish, what's cool is seeing what's not !

My Settings are:

  • Speed 145
  • Packets 28
  • Base Font Size 20

Now I suppose results depend on your machine, but it's worth a go eh !


Nick Bettison ©