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[caption id="attachment\_512" align="alignnone" width="150" caption="Tiz cold in here!"][![Tiz cold in here!]( "Frosty Grass")]([/caption]

Frosy Grass is by far my most successful piece of gnome art; it's got my best rating in, and has a massive 3209 downloads (art.gnome = 2425 gnome look = 784).

Today, I just found something really cool, Frosty Grass is in a novel presentation video !!!!!! :cool:
Take a look at it's a demonstration of new rendering for gnome; fancy transparent windows, flipping desktops, all that cool stuff. As you'll notice in the 1st few seconds of the video my art work is in the folder that gets moved,stretched and faded in the presentation !

As you can tell I'm over the moon about this, I think It's well cool, I just wish I'd found it earlier :-D


Nick Bettison ©