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UPDATE: This Plugin has been updated, the below links to the new file, but please comment on the new post, thanks.

I'm proud to share with the WordPress community my new plugin, LINICKX LifeStream :)

I've been trying to get more LifeStreaming into for a while, as I've struggled to find an appropriate solution I've decided to write my own.

Plug-in Features:

  • Stream Any Feed.
    Most internet services like digg, twitter, lastfm and the like support RSS feeds of your activity, so you can stream any service even if I haven't heard about it yet!
  • Posts are created from the feeds/stream.
    Each Feed item creates a new post, you can tag & categorise your posts to give each stream a different look & feel in your WordPress templates.
  • No dependencies.
    LINICKX LifeStream uses WordPress functions to do it's work, so yes it'll work on PHP4 & PHP5 and you don't need to update simplepie or an-other dependancy.
  • Flexible updating.
    By default LINICKX LifeStream should just work, WordPress will fetch the feeds every 5 minutes and store them in the WP Database, but you can change that. If you want to cron your updates every 1 minute you can, if you want the DB store in a file not in MySQL that's not a problem either.

LINICKX Lifestream is currently feeding both my Digg & Google Reader posts; in general I'm pretty poor at updating my plug-ins as this is a hobby, but since this project is part of my website and not a favour for a friend (like the others) I'm hoping to do a better job.

- ***[Download LINICKX LifeStream from](*** - [Get **Support and Help** on]( - [Submit **Bugs and Patches** to Trac](

I'm looking for help too!
The admin interface is a bit "clunky", the reason being I don't know javascript, if you do please consider writing a patch :)
I also think this plugin would work well for WordPresMU users, but I don't use it so if you do what changes need to be made to make this work for you?

You can download the source from here: or Browse Trac

As with my other plug-ins this is a hobby, I have a full time job that takes priority. Feel free to leave comments here but ask support questions to the WordPress community. I will update this plugin as and when I need features to improve but will consider any patches submitted and any good ideas you have.

If this plugin has been some use to you, please consider donating as I give this code away for free and giving something back will make you feel good :cool:


  • Pushed version 0.1.1 as the directory path changed when created their .zip file... all should be working again.
  • Pushed version 0.1.2 to fix error in dashboard reported by Markus below.
  • Pushed Version 0.1.3 more bug fixes; 0.1.2 broke auto updates, so 0.1.3 fixes it again! was having execution timeout issues, so theres a patch to fix that for other users
    I've also introduced a config.php so that upgrades do not overwrite $WPDIR set by users.


Nick Bettison ©