You know the deal, it's getting close to x-mas time, you start looking at gifts to get for friends & family, not to mention windows shopping for stuff you want.
Yesterday I came across this little guy, a Sony AIBO pet dog. From what I've seen on the sony website this dog is da bomb !
There is a long list of cool things this do can do, like interact with it's environment, learn it's owners face, speak ! But the features that caught my eye is that it can wi-fi connect to the Internet ! Oh yeah, it can stream you favorite radio station to you, read out RSS feeds and the really funk thing is that it can write it's own blog !!!! In fact I've found on online, and it publishes to WordPress, check out fido's weblog.
There is a massive catch tho' , all this coolness doesn't come cheap, best price I've found so far is a huge �1,400 !!! Hummmmm I'm gonna need to think up a get rich quick scheme ! ;)