#!/usr/bin/env python """ Script to backup Cisco WLCs using netmiko # Version 1.0 28.Aug.2017 # Nick Bettison - Linickx.com # External Credit... # https://github.com/AlexMunoz905/Cisco-Backup-Config/blob/master/WLC.py # Thanks to ^that^ for getting me started! :) """ import logging import getpass import re import datetime import sys try: import netmiko except: print("Error Netmiko not installed - https://github.com/ktbyers/netmiko") sys.exit() """ This array stores a list if IPS to connect to eg. one device: `ips = [""]` two devices: `ips = ["", ""] ` """ ips = ["", ""] """ By default, ths scipt prompts for credentials. If you're feeling insecure and want to store them in the file, replace below with... um = "admin" pw = "insecure_password" """ un = input('Username: ') pw = getpass.getpass() """ No Need to change below here! """ logging.basicConfig(format='[%(levelname)s] %(asctime)s %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger("wlc_backup") devices = [] # Empty array to store wlcs files = [] # Empty array to store filenames for ip in ips: # device definition cisco_wlc = { 'device_type': 'cisco_wlc', 'ip': ip, 'username': un, 'password': pw, } devices.append(cisco_wlc) for device in devices: logger.info("Connecting to %s", device['ip']) # connect to the device w/ netmiko try: net_connect = netmiko.ConnectHandler(**device) except: logger.error("Failed to connect to %s", device['ip']) logger.debug("Exception: %s", sys.exc_info()[0]) continue # get the prompt as a string prompt = net_connect.find_prompt() logger.debug("prompt: %s", prompt) regex = r'^\((.*)\)[\s]>' regmatch = re.match(regex, prompt) if regmatch: hostname = regmatch.group(1) logger.info("Working on %s", hostname) else: logger.error("Hostname Not Found!") logger.debug(regmatch) filetime = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%y%m%d-%H%M%S") # File timestamp config_filename = hostname + "_" + filetime + ".txt" # Filname with hostname files.append(config_filename) logger.info("Filename: %s", config_filename) commands = ['show run-config commands'] # commands to run for cmd in commands: logger.info("Sending cmd: %s", cmd) this_cmd = net_connect.send_command(cmd) config_filename_f = open(config_filename, 'a') config_filename_f.write(this_cmd) config_filename_f.write('\n') config_filename_f.close() print("Finished:") for fname in files: print(" %s " % fname)