".__('Twitter Tools is having an Error.')." ".sprintf(__('You must have Alex Kings Twitters Tools Plugin activated for twitters-tools-is to work.'), "http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/twitter-tools/")."

"; } } // Our Main function function lnx_tti($content) { $category = get_the_category(); $category = $category[0]->cat_ID; $lnx_tti_category = get_option(aktt_blog_post_category); // If the current category is a tweet... go to work! if ( $category == $lnx_tti_category) { // Setup a bodge to deal with

$bodge = substr($content,0,3); if ( $bodge == "

") { $bodgeon = true; $content = strip_tags($content); } // what are the First Two Characters ? $FirstTwoChar = substr($content,0,2); // Are they is? if ( $FirstTwoChar == "is" ) { // Cool, get tweeter name... $lnx_tti_author = get_option(aktt_blog_post_author); $author_info = get_userdata($lnx_tti_author); $author = $author_info->display_name; // now change the content $content = preg_replace("/^is/","$author is ","$content"); } if ($bodgeon) { $content = "


"; } } return $content; } // Admin Warning add_action('admin_notices', 'lnx_tti_warning'); // Insert filter(s) if twitter-tools is installed.... if (is_file(trailingslashit(ABSPATH.PLUGINDIR).'twitter-tools/twitter-tools.php')) { add_filter('the_content','lnx_tti'); add_filter('the_title','lnx_tti'); } // END! ?>