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Tag Archive: Linux

  • OpenShift - PHP, APC & hotdeploy

    If you are using apc caching on openshift you may have noticed that your cache gets binned each time you git push, the reason for this is that the push restarts your gear's apache process. To keep the same process, thus keep the cache you can enable hot deployment ...

  • OpenShift - Backup and Restore

    The free plan over at openshift only allows 3 "gears" which you know is a bit of a problem if you have more than 3 apps to test... don't sweat it tho, simply backup your gear, delete it and re-use the free slot for something else ... if you need ...

  • apc.php for rhel / centos

    Note to self: The apc.php (script for monitroing apc performance) is stored in - /usr/share/doc/php-pecl-apc-3.1.3p1

  • Hacking Cisco ISE UDI

    ISE Virtual Machine that thinks it a
    The back story... you've deployed your ISE appliance and the world is great! Your management need you to make a change "right now" but that virtual machine ...

  • shell based dropbox

    I'm looking for an ad-hoc (easy) way to share files with my remote server...

    I want to call the uploader in a shell environment I created one script for that (maybe with less effort than using ruby or other language) for that, it only needs Curl installed on system ...

  • OCFS2 issues

    This morning I've had issues with my cluster, the file system on both nodes went to read-only and I ended up in a world of pain.

    [root@georgia ~]# sudo /etc/init.d/httpd start
    Starting httpd: 
    [root@georgia ~]# tail -f /var/log/messages
    Jan  9 09:48 ...
  • PHP to solve problems

    PHP make you think of web app's right? ... well, did you know you can run it from the CLI to?

    Recently I've been doing a lot of spreadsheet and sub-netting type stuff, whilst doing this mundane work I've realised that I can get scripts to work for ...

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